PDF Family Law Form Library
California Judicial Council Forms With Explanations
Which We Link to and Explain Throughout This Website!
We Provide Family Law and Divorce Attorney Services for the Desert Cities From Blythe, Indio, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, La Quinta, to Joshua Tree, Hemet, Riverside, and San Bernardino!
Current as of January, 2017
- Commencing the Proceedings
- Income and Property Schedules
- Spousal Support and Attorney Fee Applications
- Concluding the Proceedings
- Paternity Actions
- RFO's, Motions and Requests for Temporary Orders
- Pension Plans
- Earnings Assignment Orders and Judgments for Support Arrears
- Domestic Violence
- Civil Court Forms Used in Family Law
- California Discovery Forms
- Selected Forms from Arnold & Peterson, LLP
Commencing the Proceedings
FL-100 Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Legal Separation/Annulment
This is the document which begins an action for dissolution of marriage, legal separation, or annulment. It is not used for domestic partnerships. If you fail to check a box - including for instance a request for spousal support - you cannot obtain such relief later until and unless you amend the Petition. Whether or not you foresee hiring a lawyer, check the 'request for attorney fees' box.
Paragraph 6 contains a good checklist describing the grounds for annulment in California.
FL-103 Petition for Dissolution/Domestic Partnership
All of the grounds for dissolving domestic partnerships are contained in this mandatory form. The comments set forth above apply equally.
FL-105 Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody and Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA)
This mandatory form is required wherever there are minor children of both parties to the action.
FL-110 Summons (Family Law)
The summons must be served in order for a California Court to have jurisdiction over the other party in a dissolution, legal separation, annulment, or domestic partnership. It contains important information about Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATRO's), which bind you even if you don't bother to read them. Read them.
FL-115 Family Law Proof of Service (Summons)
Here is a sample proof of service to be used with any documents, court papers, or discovery that are to be filed and/or filed and served in family law proceedings. Be sure to have it signed by a third party.
FL-117 (Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt)
This form is used in lieu of a proof of service where the other party is willing to receipt for the court filed documents without the necessity of formal service by a process server or third party. It is filled out and filed with the Court.
FL- 120 Response to Petition for Dissolution
This is equivalent to the Petition for Dissolution/Legal Separation/Annulment. If you are served with a Petition for Legal Separation, you may convert the action into a divorce or annulment.
FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations and Waivers
The Appearance, Stip and Waivers form has several uses, but is required whenever you submit a Marital Settlement Agreement to the court for filing.
Income and Expense and Property Schedules
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure Cover Sheet
This form accompanies the preliminary and final declarations of disclosure forms. It is not filed with the Court but it is served upon the other party.
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Disclosure and Income and Expense Declaration
This is an critical form for getting your matter set for trial, whether as default or contested matter. Until it has been filed by both parties (or you if you have entered a default), the clerk's office cannot set the case for further hearing.
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
This accompanies the preliminary and final declarations of disclosure. It is essential that you fill it out completely and accurately, and supply supporting documents. The exchange of these forms are proof you have satisfied your fiduciary duties. What is sets forth or omits can be the basis for set aside motions in future years.
FL-144 Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure
While the Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure (PDD) must be exchanged in all cases before a judgment can issue (except by the other party against whom a Default has been entered), completing and exchanging the Final Declaration of Disclosure (FDD) is optional and may be waived. It is a bad idea to do so.
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
The Income and Expense form is required to be filed in all California family law cases whenever money is being requested by or from either party. Read it carefully, fill it out accurately, and answer all the questions and provide all attachments. Page 3 gives you three important options in terms of what information you provide regarding living expenses. You do not need to answer income questions relating to new mates or cohabitants. Judges rely upon this document when deciding money issues.
FL-160 Property Declaration
This document is part of your preliminary and final declaration of disclosure, and it is mandatory that it be filled out and exchanged even where a default has been entered against the other party.
Attorney Fee and Spousal Support Applications
FL-157 Spousal Support Applications
This form is optional but you should use it in all spousal support applications to ensure you don't leave something out. It lists the Family Code section 4320 factors that court's must assess in awarding judgment spousal support in dissolution cases. Also use this is you are responding to a support application!
FL-158 Attorney Fee Applications in Dissolution Cases
This form is optional but you should use it in all attorney fee applications to ensure you don't leave something out. It lists the Family Code section 4320 factors that court's must assess in awarding attorney fees in dissolution cases. Also use this is if you are the responding party!
FL-319 Mandatory Form for Attorney Fee Requests
While the FL-158 only applies to marriage cases the FL-319, discussed below, is required in all family law cases where attorney fees are requested!
Concluding the Proceedings
FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution
This form must be executed and filed in all cases that are settled or resolved by way of Marital Termination Agreements and Marital Settlement Agreements; if it is not, the court clerk will likely reject your papers.
FL-180 Judgment for Annulment, Legal Separation or Dissolution
This is the actual Judgment rendered in all cases involving Marital Dissolution, Dissolution of Domestic Partnerships, Legal Separation or Annulment (Nullity of Marriage). It must be submitted together with a Marital Termination Agreement or sets forth the Court's rulings where there has been a trial.
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment
This Notice accompanies the Judgment, and is mailed by the Court clerk to the parties.
FL-195 Income Withholding for Support
This notice advises employers of the employee identity and the amounts that must be withheld from a paycheck per the court's support order.
Riverside County Settlement Conference Brief/Mandatory Trial Statement Forms
This form is being circulated in Riverside County effective April, 2011, revised January 2013, and apparently must be submitted to the trial court before you can expect to get a trial date to move your case to its conclusion.
Riverside County Settlement Conference Brief/Mandatory Trial Statement Forms - Spousal Support
This form is being circulated in Riverside County effective April, 2011, revised January 2013; if spousal support or domestic support is being requested, and apparently it must be submitted to the trial court before you can expect to get a trial date to move your case to its conclusion.
San Bernardino Mandatory Settlement Conference Statement
This form is being circulated in San Bernardino County effective April, 2011, revised January 2013, and apparently must be submitted to the trial court before you can expect to get a trial date to move your case to its conclusion.
Paternity Actions
FL-200 Petition to Establish Parental Relations
A petition to establish paternity must be used to establish parentage when children are born to unmarried parents. Even if you signed a voluntary declaration of paternity (VDOP) as the father, some form of paternity judgment is necessary to establish your parental rights - including your rights to custody and visitation - if the children's mother takes a different view. If you anticipate a custody dispute with the other parent and there is no judgment for paternity existing, this is where you start.
FL-220 Response to Petition to Establish Parental Relations
This answers the Petition to Establish Parental Relations, and either admits or denies paternity. It must be served and filed within 30 days of service of the summons and petition to avoid a default judgment being entered.
FL-230 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Paternity Judgment
This form is used to obtain the issuance of a judgment where paternity is not contested.
FL-235 Advisement and Waiver of Rights
A Judgment of paternity has life changing consequences. Ignoring parental obligations of support may have criminal consequences. This document is proof that you were advised of your rights before admitting parenthood.
This is a formal appearance in the action which admits paternity and may set child support.
FL-240 Stipulation for Entry of Judgment for Paternity
FL-250 Judgment for Paternity
This Judgment operates to conclusively establish your parental rights and obligations.
This judicial council form is used to respond to the Petition. It only covers custody and support.
FL-270 Response to Petition for Custody and Support
FL-272 Notice of Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
If you wish to contest a default Judgment of Paternity, a regular Judgment, or a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity with the aim of setting these aside, this is the required form. However, there are specific time limits on how long you have to change your mind or challenge a paternity judgment which you should review first. These are described to some extent in the FL-274.
FL-274 Information Sheet for Completing Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
This is information that you are required to have before filing a Paternity Set Aside Motion. You are well advised to seek legal advice on how to do this properly and when to file. The other parent can use this form as well to challenge your parental rights.
FL-276 Response to Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
This is the form of opposition to a paternity set aside motion, and it should be filed if you oppose the set aside.
FL-278 Order After Hearing on Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
This Order after Hearing sets forth the Court's ruling on the paternity set aside motion.
FL-280 Request for Hearing and Application to Set Aside Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
This request is used where there is no paternity judgment but a VDOP was signed by the alleged father and now one party or the other (or a third party who claims they were really the biological father) claims that the party who signed is not the bio parent. See the FL-281 form.
FL-281 Information Sheet for Completing Form FL-280
This is the information you need to have in order to properly challenge a VDOP.
FL-285 Responsive Declaration to Application to Set Aside VDP
If you oppose the challenge to the VDOP/VDP, be sure to file this responsive declaration.
FL-290 Order After Hearing on Motion
This sets forth the Court's ruling on the motion.
RFO's, Motions and Temporary Orders (Custody, Support, Attorney Fees, Etc.)
FL-300 Request for Order(RFO)
This replaced the old "OSC" cover sheet, effective July 1, 2012. We now call "OSC applications" "requests for orders." This must accompany any request for temporary orders, or the modification of existing orders, in California family law cases except those accompanying a "Notice of Motion". The downside to using this form over the NOM (notice of motion) is that a Judge must sign it before a hearing date is fixed by the clerk, in contrast to setting a motion through the clerk's office by noticed motion on a date you choose.
FL-158 -Supporting Declaration Attachment for Requests for Attorney Fees
This form was added January 1, 2012 and should be accompanied by Form FL-319, below.
FL-305 Emergency Court Orders
This is an attachment to an OSC or NOM application where ex parte orders have been sought. These typically involve control of property or payment of debts, and they are issued pending a regular hearing to preserve the status quo until the opposing side has a chance to be heard. This is not used for domestic violence orders.
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment
This is similar to the FL-310, but deals specifically with your proposals regarding custody and visitation.
FL-312 Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders
If you have cause to believe the other parent might flee the jurisdiction with the children, or if they already have, be sure to include this in the paperwork you submit to the Court.
FL-314 INFO - Child Custody Information Sheet
This is useful information for parents to read which gives some basic explanations about child custody concepts and procedures in California.
FL-315 Request for Separate Trial or Response to Request for Separate Trial
This mandatory form must be used if you wish to bifurcate marital status (get divorced or terminate the domestic partnership before the rest of the case is finished), or if you want the Court to decide some issues in the case before it decides others.
FL-318 INFO- Retirement Plan Joinder - Information Sheet
This form has useful information about what to do with retirement plans.
FL-319 Request for Attorney Fees (and Costs)
This form was introduced in January, 2012, and should accompany Requests for Orders (RFO's) that ask for attorney fees and litigation costs. You also need FL-158, above.
FL-320 Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
This is what you file if you oppose almost any type of family law orders, and in particular requests relating to custody, support, and control of property. It it similar to the FL-310 (which is to be combined with the FL-300 or FL-301).
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service
File this document with the Court after it is completely filled out and signed by a third party - you cannot serve process in your own case.
FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail
File this proof of service by mail in those situations where it is allowed - someone else must sign as the party who dropped the pleadings in the mail.
FL-340 Findings and Order After Hearing
Sometimes referred to as the "F & O", this is what the Court requires be filled out after most non-domestic violence hearings. It should be submitted to the other side for approval, but if they won't approve and return it within 10 days submit it directly to the court clerk with that explanation. This is your formal order, and an important document to complete and get on file rather than depending on "minute orders" as the record of the proceeding.
FL-342 - Child Support Information and Order Attachment
This optional form was revised effective July 1, 2012, and accompanies Findings and Orders After Hearing(s) and sets forth how the Court calculated child support and describes all orders that were issued.
FL-343 - Spousal, Partner or Family Support Order Attachment
As with the FL-342, this form was revised in July, 2012 and should be used when non-child support orders are issued.
FL-344 - Property Declaration Attachment
This 2007 form is simply very rarely used, but could be useful if property restraints were issued or if a party is ordered to pay specific debts on a temporary basis. I don't recommend bothering with it.
FL-347 Bifurcation of Marital Status Attachment
Use this form if you are seeking to terminate marital status before the dissolution is completed.
FL-350 Stipulation to Establish for Modify Orders for Child Support
This form of stipulation is used to fix or modify child support.
FL-360 Request for Hearing and Application to Set Aside Support Order
This form is used if you seek to aside aside a support order for the reasons set forth in Family Code section 3691.
Forms Dealing With Pension Plans
FL-370 Pleading on Joinder - Employee Benefit Plans
This is required to join a pension plan into the proceedings so that the California courts have jurisdiction to divide them.
FL-371 Notice of Motion and Declaration for Joinder
Use this motion form when applying for an order of joinder.
FL-372 Request for Joinder of Employee Benefit Plan
This is used together with FL-370, and provides an expedited process to gain jurisdiction over pension plans and their administrators.
FL-375 Summons for Joinder
The Summons is issued by the court clerk when the FL-370 and Fl-372 are filed. It must be properly served upon the pension plan administrator in order for the joinder to be effective.
Earnings Assignment Orders, Support Arrears and Contempt Proceedings
FL-410 Order to Show Cause and Application for Contempt
This form is submitted to the court, and when signed by a Judge constitutes an order to the party to appear at a hearing to "give any legal reason why this court should not find them guilty of contempt."
FL-411 Affidavit of Facts Constituting Contempt
This is the charging declaration which alleges the facts establishing a contempt. Because contempts are criminal in the sense that people can be jailed and/or fined, you have a very high burden of proof to win a contempt and it is essential that you make no mistakes in preparing this paperwork. A non-lawyer is extremely unlikely to be able to use this remedy successfully.
FL-412 Affidavit of Facts Constituting Contempt in DV and Custody and Visitation
This is an attachment to the FL-410 in cases involving violations of domestic violence restraining orders or custody and visitation orders.
FL-420 Declaration of Payment History for Delinquent Child or Spousal Support
This is form is required to accompany mandatory Form FL-490.
FL-421 Payment History Attachment for Delinquent Child or Spousal Support
Use this form if you need additional pages to outline unpaid court ordered support.
FL-430 Ex Parte Application for Earnings Assignment Order for Support
This form enables you to obtain an Earnings Assignment Order without a court appearance or filing any form of request for orders or motion. The sooner you submit it the clerk of the court, the better since it is not uncommon for a party who is ordered to pay support to ignore the obligation for a time, which then builds up support arrears which you may later have to reduce to judgment in order to collect.
FL-435 Earnings Assignment Order for Support or Partner Support
Use this form to garnish wages in order to collect spousal support or domestic partner support.
FL-440 Statement For Registration of California Support Order
This is used to register California Support Orders and Income Withholding Orders.
FL-490 Mandatory Application to Determine Support Arrears
Use of this form is MANDATORY - you will have your motion to determine support arrears denied if you fail to use it!
Judicial Council Instructions for How to Have Support Arrears Determined
This will answer common questions and instruct you how to obtain an order for support arrears.
Domestic Violence Forms
DV-100 Request for Order (Domestic Violence)
This mandatory Judicial Council form is used to initiate a request for domestic violence restraining orders. It is important that you be specific, complete and truthful. It is the document that judges look at first when ruling on DV applications. If possible, type it out, but this is not required as long as your handwriting is legible.
DV-120 Response to Request Temporary Restraining Orders (Domestic Violence)
If you oppose DV orders, it is a good idea to complete and file this form although you are not required to do so by statute. Be sure to serve it on the other party in advance of the hearing, but at a minimum bring extra copies with you to court so you can hand them to the other side before the hearing begins.
CLETS 001 - Confidential CLETS Information (DV)
This form is to help law enforcement obtain information necessary to enforce your DV restraining orders.
Civil Court Forms Used in Family Law
MC-050 Substitution of Attorney - Civil
This is the Substitution of Attorney form that is still used in family law proceedings as well as other civil proceedings.
EJ-001 - Abstract of Judgment
This the Judgment Form that is recorded in any California County Recorder's office to place a lien on property once a money judgment has been obtained and issued by the Court. If properly issued and recorded, a title company cannot safely transfer title to real estate to a new buyer without first obtaining from you a Satisfaction of Judgment form which declares you have been paid in full.
EJ-130 Writ of Execution
This document must be issued by the Court Clerk, and then served upon a third party that has custody of money or other property of the Judgment Debtor (i.e., support payee). The rules for levying a Writ of Execution are extremely strict and complex, however, and we urge you to wade through attorney Michael Peterson's Blog article entitled "How to Collect on Family Court Orders for Support or Money".
Family Law Proof of Service (Summons)
Here is a sample proof of service to be used with any documents, court papers, or discovery that are to be filed and/or filed and served in family law proceedings. Be sure to have it signed by a third party.
California Discovery Forms
FL-145 Family Law Form Interrogatories
These are the basic questions that should be asked in divorce, and it is also a good way to obtain the other party's property and income disclosure forms.
Civil Interrogatories
These are the civil Interrogatories forms which are useful in family law cases only if you combine them with Requests for Admission.
Requests for Admission
These are civil Requests for Admission that may be used productively is marital dissolution cases, particularly if you send them together with the Civil Interrogatories. Check boxes 1 and 17 on the form interrogatories.
FL-396 Request for Income and Expense Declaration After Judgment
This form is used to Request an updated FL-150 Income and Expense no more than once each year.
FL-397 Request for Income and Benefit Information from Employer
This form may be sent to an obligor's employer if the party fails to respond to the FL-396.
Selected Forms From Arnold & Peterson, LLP
Sample Stipulation for Bifurcation of Marital Status
This form of sample Stipulation for Bifurcation is used when parties wish to terminate marital status in Judgment Form (judgment is separate), and tracks Family Code section 2337.
Sample Points and Authorities for RFO Requesting Temporary Spousal Support
Use this template where you are seeking to receive pendente lite support prior to the entry of Judgment!
Sample Points and Authorities for Attorney Fees in Mid-Complex Cases
Use these points and authorities for cases of moderate complexity or value!
Sample Points and Authorities for Attorney Fees in High Conflict Complex Cases
Use these points and authorities for complex, high asset cases!
Here are Sample Requests for Admission
Here are RFA requests that may give you some ideas. Remember to use RFA's with the Civil Form Interrogatories!
Here is a Sample Feldman Letter
This template will help you to understand the rules concerning fiduciary duties in CA divorce!
Here is a Sample Form of Continuance Stipulation
Based upon this format, you can figure out how to draft stipulations!
Format for Making Evidentiary Objections to Declarations
This is one way that you can prepare and file objections to the outrageous things the other party said in their declarations!
Preparing a FLARPL - Charging Lien
Here is a sample charging lien to be used in drafting FLARPLS
Sample FLARPL Disclosure Letter
This can be used to to ensure you've made a proper disclosure of a client when considering a FLARPL.
Sample Notice of Client's Right to Cancel FLARPL
This is required to give notice of a parties' right to rescind a FLARPL and fulfill your truth in lending obligations!
Sample Promissory Note to Be Used in Creating a FLARPL
This is a promissory note form that you could use.
Sample Deed of Trust for Use with FLARPL
Here is a sample trust deed - use all these forms at your own risk and read our Disclaimer!
This form is for feedback so that we may improve our services!
These forms do not constitute legal advice - use them at your own risk.
They are for illustration purposes only.
Want to Learn About Dealing With Difficult Judges?
Want to Learn About Drafting Family Court Declarations?
Want to Learn About Family Law Objections?
Want to Learn About the Rules Governing How and When to Meet Filing and Service Deadlines?
Want to Learn About Reconsideration Motions?
Want to Learn About Family Law and Divorce Appeals?
Cutting edge Palm Springs family law legal services!
Testimonials & Endorsements
“Not only is Mr. Peterson’s knowledge of the law beyond measure, he’s able to articulate it so it’s understandable.”
If you are going through a divorce, Arnold & Peterson is in my opinion the best option available. Mr. Peterson and his assistant Jordyn are top notch. Not only is Mr. Peterson’s knowledge of the law beyond measure, he’s able to articulate it so it’s understandable. He was able to navigate my emotions and help my uphill battle to receive proper visitation as a father. Jordyn never hesitated to reach out within the same business day if documents were needed or for any question I had about the process. Thanks to the team, we resolved the divorce healthfully. I couldn’t be more grateful.- Josh Arguijo -
“I needed the best analysis and advice possible. I found Attorney Thurman Arnold III in Palm Springs.”
I am a Veteran and Retired Deputy Sheriff. My divorce involved complicated property distribution and spousal support issues. I spent considerable time looking for the best Counsel I could find before I negotiated with my ex-wife and her Attorney. In fact, my case was in another county, but that didn't matter. I needed the best analysis and advice possible. I found Attorney Thurman Arnold III in Palm Springs. Attorney Arnold is a BAR Certified Family Law Specialist. In my humble opinion the best! His review of my case and how "Moore Marsden" property division applied was invaluable. His guidance saved me $30,000 dollars. Thank you, Thurman!- Jeff Jones -
“Mike is adept at managing expectations and being very fair and measured.”
Needed to modify a settlement and hired Mike Peterson. Mike is very, very knowledgeable and experienced. When you are going through a divorce or child custody issues, it is the most terrifying and stressful experience. Mike is adept at managing expectations and being very fair and measured. I wish I had hired him initially to get it all done straight the first time around. He is very responsive and communicative and understands the client well. Good luck going through this process - have a good guide like Mike without a doubt.- Donika McKelvie -
“I would highly recommend him and the firm”
Micheal Peterson is very knowledgeable of law and can help you make the best decisions for your family. He does is job with integrity. He helps with giving discounts when he can . I would highly recommend him and the firm . Very good staff .- Vincent Hall -
“Very professional, honest, and handled everything without a hiccup.”
Arnold & Peterson are a class act. Very professional, honest, and handled everything without a hiccup. When a year had passed, he and Jordyn contacted me to let me know I still had retainer on the books! I had forgot and they sent me the money anyway! For this I am very grateful and cannot recommend them enough. You won’t go wrong with Thurman Arnold. He is definitely the guy to have on your side.- Matt Feenstra -
“Simply the Best of the Best!!!”
I Highly Recommend Michael C. Peterson at the Law Office of Thurman W. Arnold!!! I hired Michael for my custody case and he is very knowledgeable and took the time to educate me on the process so we can put together a winning strategy. He fought for me and my children in court and successfully won our case. There are no words to describe how grateful and appreciative I am for Michaels service!!! If you are sitting on the fence on which Attorney to hire, do yourself a favor and hire Michael. I would not recommend anyone else!!! Simply the Best of the Best!!!- John and Lukes Tube -
“Mike amazes me by his knowledge of my case, made me feel like I was his only client.”
- Damaris M.I reached out to this law firm 2 years ago when my life was falling apart. My case was assigned to attorney Michael Peterson. I didn't know much about him except few reviews on google but I'm glad I hit the jackpot. Mike amazes me by his knowledge of my case, made me feel like I was his only client. He's very responsive, respectful and and goes above and…
“He and Michael Peterson are truly masters of their craft.”
When my clients have family law issues, I routinely refer them to Thurman Arnold. He and Michael Peterson are truly masters of their craft. Family law can be an unwieldy beast, but they handle it with precision and finesse.- Edward Cross