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WEBCAM Divorce and (SECOND OPINION) Family Law Consults!


Second Opinion Family Law Consults

You have found this website because you have questions about a system of rules that is alien and certain to dramatically change the landscape of your life, emotionally and financially. I congratulate you for undertaking an inquiry that will help free you from your circumstances. This is a critical step in overcoming the crisis of divorce and family break up.

Our role in this process is to guide you through this foreign land where you hardly speak the language, and naturally have limited insights as to what course to set. Errors on this journey are a costly method of learning. Accessing competent and proven legal assistance assures that you will survive. Surprise! - you may even thrive.

WebCam Divorce Consults with the Law Firm of Thurman W. Arnold offer a number of unique benefits:

  • Geography restricts access to the best available resources. Small communities offer limited choices for qualified divorce professionals. With WebCam technology you can obtain expert advice about what to do, and not do, in connection with your family law issues or court proceedings from anywhere.
  • This tool adds a thick layer of confidentiality to your interaction with an attorney. While family lawyers are ethically bound to keep all your secrets, nonetheless some people feel awkward talking to lawyers within their communities, especially where the client or their spouse is a public figure, or works within the legal, medical, ministerial, or law enforcement professions.
  • It adds a layer of privacy to your interaction with a trusted family law attorney. Even visiting a lawyer's office can be a source of distress, particularly when someone is concerned that just being seen at a certain lawyer's, or practice type of lawyer's, office might become a source of public speculation.
  • Webcam Divorce Consults enables you to obtain answers to questions from a lawyer whom you will not be hiring for courtroom purposes. Some people are reluctant to disclose everything they should to a lawyer whom they will retain, because the client has secrets.
  • The process is simple and convenient. Utilizing Skype, IChat, or OoVoo technology allows you to visit with an expert dissolution attorney without ever having to leave your office or home. It is possible to be much more flexible on scheduling.
  • We can include your personal advisors by video-conference. These may be parents or friends who are giving you day to day feedback. It is often helpful for them to hear what advice you are getting, especially if they are helping you to survive financially. Conversely, when you consult with us, we are a 'hidden' resource that is unknown to those whom you'd rather not know.
  • It is efficient. A common frustration that people express about consulting with lawyers is wait time, interruptions, and travel to and from offices.
  • These consultations are less expensive than office meetings with attorneys. You know exactly how much time was used, you have more control over the amount of time you spend. Nothing occurs outside your view. In addition, our office charges lower hourly rates for non-litigation consults by Webcam than for pending cases.
  • We make it easy to get a second opinion about your family law case without risking the possibility that if you ask hard questions of your present attorney or express doubts about them, she or he might lose her motivation and edge in vigorously representing all your interests.
  • Consulting with us allows you to test settlement options by an independent attorney who has no investment in the outcome, or the profits of maintaining your case, and who might view your situation with a refreshed eye and so provide input that was missed.

There is no need to pay a retainer to have us accessible by Webcam. You pay as you go, according to the time you actually use.

These are just some of the advantages of utilizing Webcam Divorce Consults - I imagine you can think of others specific to your needs. Call us, we love doing this work, and we love to educate our clients so they can make their best informed decisions!

If you wish to scan it, here is a link to our Testimonial and Endorsements Page. The Law Firm of Thurman W. Arnold strives to set an example among our brothers and sisters in the law that challenges all legal professionals to be the best that we can be!

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The Law Firm of Thurman W. Arnold III

A Certified Family Law Specialist